Thursday, October 11, 2007

The God Delusion

I am currently reading Richard Dawkin's book "The God Delusion." It is written in a way that makes it seem that I am having an interesting conversation with Richard himself. It is clear and easy to understand. I just started chapter four which is talking about the huge improbability of god. Richard makes reference to the Boeing 747 miracle. Human beings or any complex organism created in one day of creation is equally as improbable as a hurricane ravaging a junk yard and miraculously assembling a complete 747 jet. Obviously, no one can prove indefinitely either way the existence of god, but we can speak of which idea is more probable. Many people across the world chose to base their entire life on something that is improbable. I would rather base my life on something that IS; something that is visible, I can touch, I can talk about in certain terms. It blows my mind that the very definition of faith that believers wear as a badge is the absence of evidence; the absence of anything that can be seen or touched or tested or repeated. So the basis of personal faith is nothing more than things that happen inside one person's head. It just so happens that this same kind of "faith" or insistence that evidence is unnecessary is a common shared delusion among all believers. Richard even talks about how a personal delusion that one is Napoleon is hard to keep true inside an individual's head because the outside world says that delusion is wrong. On the other hand, the delusion that there is a sky daddy who cares for the world is a delusion that happens to be shared by the masses. That kind of group solidarity must be reassuring, always convincing people that their delusion must be true because so many other people have the same exact delusion.

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